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Anna Egalite Taking a Closer Look at School Choice Decisions in North Carolina

May 31, 2023

Anna Egalite, Associate Professor in the College of Education at North Carolina State University, wants to know how families choose between public and private schools. To do so, she studies the Opportunity Scholarship Program, which helps students from low-income families attend private school.

Infrastructure site Researching Nature-Based Solutions to Reduce Flooding and Uplift Communities

May 3, 2023

As a professor and researcher at North Carolina State University, Barbara Doll has combined her engineering expertise and experience in ecosystem restoration to analyze green infrastructure solutions that could increase flood resiliency in North Carolina.

Welcoming Claire Revere as the Collaboratory’s New Communications Specialist

April 13, 2023

With a long line of training behind her, Claire's expertise will guide the Collaboratory to new extents of transparency and authenticity, including a greater emphasis on multimedia communications.

Falls Lake watershed map Evaluating the Benefits of Land Conservation on Water Quality in the Falls Lake Watershed

April 3, 2023

Falls Lake — a reservoir built in 1981 by the Army Corps of Engineers — provides potable drinking water to over half a million people in North Carolina’s piedmont, serving residents of Orange, Person, Durham, Granville, Wake, and Franklin counties.

Hurricane Florence aftermath New UNC Study Quantifies $562M in Financial Risk from Hurricane Florence Using Novel Modeling Approach

March 31, 2023

A new study published in Earth’s Future by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill estimates $562 million in previously unquantified financial risks arising from property value changes and uninsured flood damages in eastern North Carolina as a result of Hurricane Florence.