On September 1, 2024 the NC Collaboratory submitted a legislative report highlighting the dozens of university research projects it has supported as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Flowing Together: Restoring NC’s Drinking Water
Collaboratory Submits American Rescue Plan Act Report to the N.C. General Assembly
Five Research Teams Selected for Carolina’s Creativity Hubs Funding
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research has teamed up with the North Carolina Collaboratory to enable even more teams who are making advancements in fields like health care and clean energy.
By the People, For the People: A Holistic Approach to PFAS Research
As one of four recipients of the Collaboratory’s DEQ Applied Research Fellowship, Ralph Mead plays a vital role in shaping PFAS regulation in North Carolina via contributions to the NC PFAS Testing Network.
Preserving Our Coast for the Future
In her Collaboratory research project, student intern Stephanie Caddell works to understand the impacts of the Fisheries Reform Act and human interactions with coastal ecosystems and the fishing industry.