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New North Carolina Law Supports Oyster Gold Rush

October 15, 2019

During the 2019 legislative session the N.C. General Assembly passed a law intended to support and enhance the state’s growing shellfish industry. The legislation was based on the report “North Carolina Strategic Plan for Shellfish Mariculture,” which contained numerous policy and funding recommendations to strengthen and promote the shellfish industry.

In the News: House set to vote on disaster recovery bill

September 23, 2019

The NC Policy Collaboratory will receive $2 million in funding from the North Carolina General Assembly as part of a disaster recovery package approved by the legislature.

In the News: Cancer research advisory panel bill signed into law

July 29, 2019

The North Carolina Policy Collaboratory has been charged by the General Assembly with creating an advisory panel to study and develop recommendations for determining the presence of cancer clusters in the state.

In the News: Retooled shellfish bill advances

June 6, 2019

A bill designed to grow the shellfish aquaculture industry in North Carolina received approval from a legislative committee on June 4, 2019. The bill is based on recommendations developed by an NC Policy Collaboratory and UNC Institute of Marine Sciences report.

In the News: ECU researcher testifies in front of Congress on the dangers of PFAS

May 16, 2019

On May 15, East Carolina professor Jamie DeWitt testified before a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on the health effects of PFAS.